【同义词辨析】 2018-11-23 正直honesty-probity

honesty: implies refusal to lie, steal, or deceive in any way: a politician of scrupulous ~.   (scrupulous一丝不苟地遵守道德细节,如scrupulous in carrying out the terms of the will谨慎的履行遗嘱)

honor: suggests an active or anxious regard for the standards of one's profession, calling, or position: a keen sense of ~ in business matters.   calling也是职业,强调符合天性品味天赋,如I feel music is my calling我认为天生适合音乐)position职位,有一定级别,如his position is research director他职位是研究主任)

integrity: implies trustworthiness and incorruptibility to a degree that one is incapable of being false to a trust, responsibility, or pledge: her unimpeachable ~ as a journalist.     impeach弹劾控告,如针对克林顿的弹劾,unimpeachable无可指责的   (又如I admire his integrity钦佩他的正直品质,该词还表示完整complete or whole,如integrity of territory领土完整,the integrity of our culture文化完整性,都来自integer整数表示complete)

probity: implies tried and proven honesty or integrity: a judge with a reputation for ~.

honesty诚实: 表示拒绝撒谎盗窃欺骗,honor节操道义: 表示时刻遵守职业道德(regard考虑即遵守)(该词表示荣誉尊敬更常用),integrity正直诚实: 表示对于责任信任或承诺,可信拒腐无法虚假的程度,probity也是正直诚实: 经过考验证明的诚实正直

记忆方法: 1) 首字母HHIP重组成HI HP你好惠普<==正直的人


         3)正直的意思是品格诚实讲道德mean uprightness of character or action.首字母HHIP重组成HI HP你好惠普<==正直的人   upright本身表示正直,遵守道德原则,多表示诚实implies strict adherence to moral principles,如ministers of church must be upright牧师必须正直诚实